About Us

The Southern Michigan Unit of The Herb Society of America is a non-profit, educational, horticultural group, which was chartered in March of 1969.  The Society is dedicated to the cultivation of herbs; to research;  to use and delight of herbs through educational programs; and to the sharing of information with the community.   Our Unit members established the Cranbrook House and Garden Herb Gardens and have been responsible for their design, planting and maintenance for over forty years.  We have also contributed to and continue to assist in the development of the National Herb Garden, the Children’s Garden at Michigan State University, and other public gardens.  We regularly run classes at Telly’s Greenhouse in Troy, MI that focus on herb gardening and the use of herbs.

Our Unit meets monthly for a variety of programs including lectures, crafting, demonstrations, gardening, and tours led by members and guest speakers.  We welcome new members who are interested and have any level of herbal knowledge.  We are glad to share our herbal interests with you.

Southern Michigan Unit began as an independent herb study group in April 1968.  The immediate goal  of the study group was to become a unit of the Herb Society of America. And in 1969 they became the 13th unit of the Herb Society of America.  Today the Society has over 45 units.   In 2019 we celebrated 50 years as the Southern Michigan Unit.

Our past and present members have included a president of HSA, a HSA Great Lakes District Delegate, and HSA Education Chair.  The Southern Michigan Unit has also had the privilege of editing the “The Herbarist” the HSA national publication.

The Monarda, which is our units signature herb, was chosen as the HSA 2013 Native Herb of the Year.


8 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Hello, I am greatly interested in herbs and learning more about them, as well as meeting like-minded people. Please add me to your mailing list. Thank you.

  2. I am involved with the Hanover-Horton Area Historical Society in Hanover, Michigan. We have rebuilt a log cabin from around 1830 and want to plant an herb garden. Can you help me find which traditional herbs would have been in a garden at this time and place?

  3. Hi Carol,
    I believe we met when I was on the board at the Cranbrook. I am now the program chair for the WNF&GA Bloomfield Hills Branch. I was wondering if your club does educational talks on herbs? I am looking for a speaker for our meeting on April 20, 2020. Please let me know if this is something you would be interesting in doing?

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