Harvesting Herbs – Judy

Harvesting Herbs

Lecture by Southern MI Unit of the Herb Society of America

Harvesting Herbs

Harvest early in the morning, after the dew dries, but before the heat of the day
Harvest herbs before flowering, otherwise, leaf production declines Herb flowers have their most intense oil concentration and flavor when harvested after flower buds appear but before they open

Drying Herbs – Hang drying

Small bunches wrapped with rubber bands
Hung in a well ventilated dark room
Important to touch off drying in oven
Store in closed jars

Freezing Herbs

Chose fresh picked herbs (wash the night before in the garden to dry)
Place herbs on a cookie sheet and freeze
Next collect them and place in labeled freezer bags
Label well

Herb Vinegars – Also see  Herb Vinegars – Some interesting combinations

Fresh, clean and not wet herbs
Add to vinegar
Make sure all herbs are covered by the vinegar
Steep in sunny window for several weeks
Taste …. Too weak add more herbs. Too strong add more vinegar

Herb Butters

Fresh chopped herbs mixed in softened butter
Opt. Add Lemon juice to cut fat taste
OR      prepare flavored butter and let absorb flavors
Then freeze in ice cube trays

Olive oil with herbs

Best One — Pesto in ice cube trays
When frozen move to freezer bags
Always label and date

Dehydrating herbs

The most efficient way to prepare herbs for winter storage


Judy Cornellier 2017